Sprees Update - Tokyo Fashion + OPI (Closed on 15/4/08)

Tokyo Fashion Spree (CLOSED)
** Orders will be placed on 16/4/08. Expected arrival 2-3 weeks.
** Checked with Tokyo Fashion, our orders will be sent out by 5/5/08, as pending pre-orders. Hence expected arrival in SG is ard 5-8 working days from then.
** Items received and distributed to all buyers.

1. JiaYing - 6 pcs
2. Rachel - 17 pcs
3. Candy - 3 pcs
4. Ellen - 3 pcs
5. Evelyn - 14 pcs
6. Christina - 6 pcs
7. Fion - 2 pcs
8. Kristal - 4 pcs
9. Eve - 1 pc

** Orders will be placed on 16/4/08. Expected arrival 7 working days.
** Items arrived. Emails sent to all buyers.
** Items received and distributed to all buyers.